BL201 – Teaching and Preaching Through Genesis – Syllabus Spring 2017

Preaching and Teaching Through Genesis

Spring 2017 | Instructor: Michael T. Madaris, D.Min.

Date: April 8, 2017
Time: 8AM-4PM
Place: Central Station Cowboy Church


This class will help the student to learn how to preach, teach, and apply the books of the Old Testament by a study of certain passages from the Book of Genesis. By the end of the class the student will have a better understanding of how to prepare lessons and sermons from the Old Testament.


Exploring Genesis: An Expositional Commentary by John Phillips, Kregel Publishing, 2001. (Can be purchased on Amazon and CBD.)

Be Basic: Believing the Simple Truth of God’s Word by Warren Wiersbe.

Be Authentic: Exhibiting Real Faith in the Real World by Warren Wiersbe.

Please purchase these books before the class on April 8.


During the class period the students will walk through two sessions on preparing a detailed outline from two selected passages from Genesis. These exercises will be practical in nature so the student will be fully prepared for the assignments to be turned in to the professor.

There will be three (3) assignments to be completed and turned in to the professor no later than Friday June 21, 2017. These assignments will be detailed outlines, like those done in class, on three passages from Genesis. The student may choose any passage (s) from Genesis other than the passages used in class. The first assignment is due April 28, 2017. The second assignment is due May 19, 2017. The third assignment is due June 16, 2017. No assignment will be accepted after June 21, 2017. Any assignment turned in after the due date will receive a 5 point deduction for each week it is late.

Each assignment will have a cover sheet with the course name, name of school, professors name, student name, and date the assignment was turned in. The outlines must be 2 pages minimum, double spaced. When emailing the professor with questions or assignments, please put the class title in the subject of the email.

Michael Madaris, D.Min.