Q: Is NABI just for cowboys?

A: No!  All are welcome to enroll and attend.  While NABI came out of the cowboy church movement, we want it to have an impact that reaches far beyond cowboy churches. NABI does not discriminate against staff, applicants, nor students on the basis of race, color or national origin.

Q: Do I have to start in the Fall?

A:  No.  We have courses every quarter, but we video many of these courses and offer them online. These may be taken at any point during the year. 

Q: What are the courses like?

A:  Each course meets for 8 hours on Saturday where the lecture and discussion portion of the class take place.  There are follow-up readings and homework that should take around 12 hours total to complete after the class meeting.

Q: Who can benefit from the courses that NABI offers?

A: Any believer who wants to grow in their faith and improve their Gospel presentation.  While NABI started to train pastors, we realize that not all are called to preach, but all are called to witness, so everyone can benefit from our practical, approachable classes.

Q: This all sounds great; how can I apply and register?

A: Use the APPLY button to  begin your application process !!