BL210 – The Doctrine of the Trinity

Doctrine of the Trinity

July 6, 2019

North American Bible Institute


The Trinity that was a mystery hinted at in the Old Testament is revealed in the New Testament. The human authors of Scripture, inspired by the Holy Spirit, look back and interpret the Old Testament in light of the reality of the incarnation and the indwelling presence of the Spirit.[1]


The content of the class will be an introduction into the doctrine of the Trinity, specifically looking at the three persons of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Session 1 Topic: an Introduction of the Doctrine of the Trinity and the Doctrine of God the Father.

Session 2 Topic: God the Son

Session 3 Topic: God the Holy Spirit

Professors for the class will be Dr. Michael Madaris and Professor John Miller.

Your Bible will be the only required textbook for this class. An additional recommended reading list will be distributed during the class, but is not required.